Aims & Objectives over Unit 2

To work with Lithographic printing. I feel that this could be the best way to get the most accurate reproduction of an image.

The presentation & displaying of the work is important; Work on a larger scale, I think this is important in relation to the re-forming of a place/image although maybe scale isn’t the correct word. The work must have certain weight and impact to it, not just a print on paper pinned/framed on the wall. (Something more substantial could possibly solidify that memory?)

Work with the intention of the outcome being used as an installation.

Incorporation of other types of media into the work – Projection and video based (projection of still images alongside printed image) – Look at Doug Aitken

To use different materials to print onto for construction of installations – wood and aluminium.

For the work to be more immersive for myself and for the viewer (can this be done with scale)? As I would be trying to recreate a place & time or memory of both.

Make the context & narrative clearer? Do I need to? (Refined maybe?)

To make a visual reconstruction of a place I have visited. This doesn’t mean it will be an exact photographic reproduction of that place as my experience will have been unique and open to interpretation by the viewer. Look at land artist that work closely with the environment and surrounding for context- location based artists? – Richard long/ Robert Smithson.

Will video allow for a different reading of the work compared to a print?

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